Sam, 2021
in 2020 artists were drawn through the broadcast medium of zoom. Unaware of being drawn the sitters are rendered mid-sentence, describing their plans for their work, from a newly established place of quarentine.

‘The Wittgensteinan definition of the mystic -as the appearing of what cannot be said- is literally a definition of the gag.’ -Giorgio Agamben, Notes on Gesture (1992)
Eileen, 2021, drawn through thef medium of zoom, 8 X 10 inches, Monoprint on stardream metallic paper

That is some serious side eye. -E.F.
Christy, 2021, drawn through the broadcast medium of Zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

An optical engineer named Frank Back was something of a polymath. Originally from Austria he gained a doctorate in mechanical engineering and “studied optics on the side” throughout his education. An early employment took him to the United States where he sold a novel from form of endoscope, which the New Yorker magazine later described as “as swallowable camera more popular with doctors than with patients. -Wikipedia (retrieved 12.19.2021)
Jean-Marc, 2021, 8 X 10 inches, Monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 2/Ed. 3 collection of Calder & Nowlan

After his visit to New York, Frank returned to Austria. By 1939 he came back to Glen Cove, a small town on the North Shore of Long Island. By 1941 Frank worked as an optical researcher for the Signal Corps. By 1947 his sideline led to a patent and new kind of lens for Zoomar Inc. Frank lived Glen Cove for the rest of his life and became somewhat of a legend, in the neighborhood, for kids like Tom, who lived up the street.
Sarah, 2021, drawn through the medium of zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

Every great philosophical text is the gag exhibiting language itself… an incurable speech defect.-Giorgio Agamben, Notes on Gesture in Means Without Ends (1992)
Sara, 2021, drawn through the medium of zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

As an outgrowth of his research in viewfinders and variable length projectors for the U.S. Army, Frank made the first commercially successful zoom lens. A prototype of the ‘Zoomar Lens’ was used by WCBS-TV to cover the 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Cincinnati Reds game. -Wikipedia (retrieved 12.19.2021)
Matthew, 2021, drawn through the medium of zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

To some extent we all come to terms with Genius, with what resides in us but does not belong to us. Each person’s character is engendered by the way they attempt to turn away from Genius, to flee. Genius, to the extent that they have been avoided and left unexpressed, inscribes a grimace on Ego’s face. -Giorgio Agamben, Genius in Profanations (Zone Books: 2007)
studio view, 16 Portraits Drawn Through The Medium of Zoom, Ridgewood New York, (2021)

The same gesture that deprives the identity of the author of all relevance nevertheless affirms their irreducible necessity. -Giorgio Agamben, The Author as Gesture, Profanations (2007)
Eleanor, 2021, drawn through the medium of zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

Originally, persona meant “mask” that is, something eminently ‘special’, Nothing shows more clearly the meaning of the processes (theological, psychological and social) with which the person is invested. -Giorgio Agamben, Special Being in Profanations (Zone Books: 2007)
installation view, 16 Portraits Drawn Through The Medium of Zoom (2021), courtesy of The Blue Building Gallery, Halifax Nova Scotia Canada

Medieval philosophers were fascinated by mirrors. They inquired in particular into the nature of the images that appeared in them: What is the being or rather the nonbeing, of these images? -Giorgio Agamben, Special Being in Profanations (Zone Books: 2007)
Melinda, 2021
installation view, courtesy of The Blue Building Gallery (photo: R. Josey)
8 X 10 inches
Monoprint on stardream metallic paper
(Drawn through the medium of zoom)
1/Ed. 3

The mirror is the place where we discover that we have an image and, at the same time, that this image can be separate from us, that our species or imago does not belong to us. -Glorgio Agamben, Special Being in Profanations (Zone Books: 2007)
Sam, 2021, drawn through the medium of zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

To be special can mean “to surprise and astonish” (in a negative sense) by not fitting into established rules, but the notion that individuals constitute a species and belong together in a homogeneous class tends to be reassuring. -Giorgio Agamben, Special Being in Profanations (zone books: 2007)
Joel, 2021, drawn through the medium of zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

Specious first meant “beautiful” and only later came to mean “untrue, apparent.” Species was first defined as that which makes visible and only later became the principle of classification and equivelance. -Giorgio Agamben, Special Being in Profanations (zone books: 2007)
Eliza, 2021, drawn through the medium of zoom, monoprint on stardream metallic paper, 8 X 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)

Medieval philosophers were fascinated by mirrors. They inquired in particular into the nature of the images that appeared in them: What is the being or rather the nonbeing, of these images? -Giorgio Agamben, Special Being in Profanations (Zone Books: 2007)
Melinda, 2021, (photo: R. Josey)
installation view, courtesy of The Blue Building Gallery, Halifax
8 X 10 inches
Monoprint on stardream metallic paper
(Drawn through the medium of zoom)
1/Ed. 3