Working Through It

Lovitt NYC, December 1 - 31, 2024, Opening Reception: Saturday November 30, 6-8PM

functional sculpture and works on paper: with Kelly Jazvac and Moondog AF

Working On It: New Canadian Sculpture

The Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredricton Canada, January 20 - May 12, 2024

curated by Ray Cronin. Artists include Luis-Charles Dionne, Jean-Pierre Gauthier, Chris Hanson & Hendrika Sonnenberg, Zeke Moores


59-22 Madison Street, Ridgewood Queens, May 3rd to 14th, 2024

solo exhibition within Glickman Schlesinger Architects’ exquisitely renovated townhouse before it hit the market

Vanishing Point

Gowanus Brooklyn New York, March 22-23, 2024

curated by Kalani Quereto and Emily Quok, artists include Madeline Rupard & Elise Coker

Smoke and Mirrors

Narrowsburg Union, Narrowsburg NY, July 8 - September 4, 2024

curated by Jodi Sibilia. Artists include Abby Alzamora, B. Baylin, J. Bigler, J. Biron, Barbara Carpenito, P. Cummins, Alea Fidecaro, Erica Hart, T. Holmes, R. Hottinger, R. Jones, D. Kerrigan, L. King, W. Laneau, M. Milleson, J. Orta, L. Pullen, N. Roes, Tina Rosinski, G. Tuchman, Judi Varnai Aronson, Alice Zinnes


Tapetto Volonte, Brooklyn New York, May 7 to June 18th, 2023

curated by Glenn Goldberg. Artists include Peter Acheson, Bill Adams, Eric Aho, Yasi Alipour, Joan Bankemper, Pedro Barbeito, Benn Barron, Louis Block, Bettina Blohm, Ewelina Bochenska, Michael Brennan, Ben Browne, Tom Butter, Karin Campell, Janice Caswell, Wells Chandler, Juan Angel Chavez, Nancy Cohen, Liz Collins, Jim Condron, Guy Corriero, Jonathan Dedecker, Jared Deery, Mary DeVincentis, Carol Diamond, Danielle Dimston, Josh Dorman, Angela Dufresne, Klay-James Enos, Chris Esposito, Caroline Falby, Eva Faye, Rosabel Ferber, Dan Flanagan, Mary Flinn, Dana Frankfort, Laura Frantz, Bruce Gagnier, Ashley Garrett, Deborah Garwood, Andrew Ginzel, Judy Glantzman, Cora Jane Glasser, Glenn Goldberg, Brenda Goodman, Matt Greco, Larry Greenberg, Floor Grootenhuis, Elizabeth Hazan, Cody Herrmann, Vica Hicks, Erin Hinz, Elizabeth Hoy, Mala Iqbal, Amy Jacobs, Jason Karolak, Steve Keister, Emmet Kerrigan, Ben King, Anki King, Benjamin Klein, Hilary Kliros, Osamu Kobayashi, William Eckhardt Kohler, Nic Koller, Bill Komoski, Nick Lamia, Lori Lash, Maskull Lasserre, Marta Lee, Jim Lee, Cristobal Lehvt, Elisa Lendvay, Ginger Levant, Jill Levine, Leonora Loeb, Matthew Logsdon, JJ Manford, Jonas Manford-Gerber, Marcus Manganni, Chris Martino, Amy Mascena, David McDonough, Tom McGlynn, Leeza Meksin, Shari Mendelson, John Mitchell, Nicholas Moenich, Jeffrey Morabito, Cy Morgan, Emily Nam, Keiko Narahashi, Jonathan Sanchez Noa, Matt Nolen, Peter Park, Alix Pearlstein, Marsha Pels, James Prez, Benjamin Pritchard, Lucy Pullen, Erika Ranee, Maritza Ranero, August Ravn, Nora Riggs, Skylah Rodriguez, Hanneline Rogeberg, Rory Rosenberg, Mason Saltarrelli, Katia Santibanez, Aparna Sarkar, Amber Scoon, Greg Sholette, Jim Shrosbree, Gyan Shrosbree, Adam Simon, Ed Smith, Gerry Snyder, Elisa Soliven-Gerber, Jairo Sosa, Clintel Steed, Amy Talluto, Dannielle Tegeder, Julie Torres, Erin Turner, Katharine Umsted, Rosa Valado, Arleene Correa Valencia, Pedro Felipe Vintimilla, Tomas Vu, Sarah Walker, Jessica Weiss, Jess Willa Wheaton, Tommy White, Daniel Wiener, Boyuan Yang, Becky Yazdan.

Ecologies & Communities

RBC Community Gallery, Toronto Canada, April - November, 2022

exhibition curated by Stefan Hancherow. Artists include Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Lucy Pullen and Jagdeep Raina.

Owning Earth

Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz NY, June 26, 2020 - October 30, 2022

curated by Tal Beery with assistance from Erin Lee Antonack. Artists include Sariah Park, Colin Lyons, Jean-Marc Superville Sovak, Brooke Singer, Christy Gast, Eliza Evans, Matthew Friday & Alex Young, Alejandro Chellet, Melinda Kiefer, Sam Spillman, Emilie Houssart, Eileen Wold, Eleanor King & Lucy Pullen, Michael Asbill & Derek Stroup, Joel Olzak, Sarah Max Beck, Robert C Beck, and how to perform an abortion (Maureen Connor, Landon Newton and Kadambari Baxi with Eugenia Manwelyan) (

Visiting Starcraft

Open Sesame Garden, Nova Scotia Canada, January 2022 - present

site-specific installation within naturalistic perennial gardens

What If

The Blue Building Gallery, Halifax NS Canada, Canada, November 19, 2021 - January 20, 2022

solo exhibition, review, Ray Cronin, Sculpture Magazine: Jan 4, 2022

Soft Launch

The Blue Building Gallery, February 11 - April 1st, 2021

inagural group exhibition. Artists include Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby, Sheilah ReStack, Sarah Maloney, Lucy Pullen, and Ursula Johnson.

The Day After

The Telos Society, Athens Greece, 2020

curated by Carolina Trigo and Georgia Kotrestos

First You Dream

The Nova Scotia Talent Trust, August 2019 - May 2020

Travelling grpup show organized by The Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, Halifax. Venues include The University College of Cape Breton, Sydney. Artists include Jordan Broadworth, Sandra Brownlee, Lux Habrich, Sara Hartland-Rowe, Dan O’Neill, Lucy Pullen, Pamela Ritchie, Despo Sophocleous, Emily Vey Duke, and Charley Young.

Being Close

The Aidron Duckworth Art Museum, Meriden New Hampshire, June 16 - September 8th, 2019

curated by Ben Finer. Artists include Tom Butter and Lucy Pullen among concurrent exhibitions with Kyle Morrison, Langdon Graves and Glenn Goldberg

Recognize Everyone

Contemporary Art Forum of Kitchener and Area, Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada, June 2nd - July 1st, 2018

public art bienale, curated by CAFK+A. Artists incclude, Andreanne Abbondanza-Bergeron, Anna van Milligen, At The Reception, Benoit Maubrey, Colin Labadie & Jordan Mandel, Critical Media Lab, Dawn Matheson, Don Russell, Eunjun Hwang, Laura Marotta, Lucy Pullen, Marcia Juyer, Marie Claire Leblanc Flanagan, Post Script (Rebecca Belmore, Susan Blight, Luke Parnell, Melissa General), Ridhard Burrows & Scott Lindsay, Robert Dayton, Marie St. Walker, and Susan Blight

Archive Fever

Canadian Clay & Glass Museum, Waterloo Canada, opens March 5th, 2015

Curated by Krista Blake. Artists include Shary Boyle, Ian Rankin, Lucy Pullen, Erik Demaine, among others.

The Last Brucennial

The Bruce High Quality Foundation, New York City, March 7 - April 4th, 2014

group exhibition \ coup de grace


Library & Archives Exhibition #45, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa Canada, September 9 - December 6, 2013

curated by Peter Trepanier. Artists include Daniel Buren, John Baldessari, Garry Neill Kennedy, Lucy Pullen, Chris Taylor and Craig Wood, and Vera Greenwood.


Art at Night, Anchor Projects, Halifax Canada, 2013

site-specific art festival, curated by Eleanor King. Artists include Michael Fernandes, and Lucy Pullen mong others.


Romer Young Gallery, San Francisco CA, 2012

solo exhibition

The Cloud Chamber and Related Works

The Henry Art Gallery, The University of Washington, Seattle Washington, March 5th to June 26th, 2011

solo exhibition, organized with an essay by Sara Krajweski

I Would Prefer Not To

Artspeak, Vancouver Canada, February 12 - March 21, 2010

site-specific installation (window), curated by Melanie O’Brian (tri-fold)

The Effect Effect

Ping Pong Gallery, San Francisco, 2010

solo exhibitrion, review by Matt Stromberg

No Soul For Sale

Tate Modern, London England, 14-15 May, 2010

Festival of Independents organized by artist Maurizio Cattelan and curators Cecilia Alemani and Massimiliano Gioni with non-profit artist-run spaces including Artspeak (Vancouver), White Columns (New York), Latitudes (Barcelona), Kling & Bang gallery (Reykjavík), K48 Kontinuum (New York), Arthub Asia (Shanghai/Bangkok/Beijing), Museum of Everything (London), Auto Italia (London) and The Royal Standard (Liverpool), Light Industry (New York) and (London) and e-flux (Berlin) among others

50 Artists Photograph the Future

Higher Pictures, New York NY, May 8 - July 3rd, 2010

survey curated by Dean Daderko. Artists include Derrick Adams, Olivier Babin, Lucas Blalock, Cliff Borress, Matthew Buckingham, Alejandro Cesarco, Pradeep Dalal, Moyra Davey, Stephanie Diamond, Madeline Djerejian, Zachary Drucker + A.L. Steiner, Sam Falls, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Daphne Fitzpatrick, Glen Fogel, Eve Fowler, Chitra Ganesh, Andrea Geyer, Julio Grinblatt, Robin Graubard, K8 Hardy, David Humphrey, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Nina Hoffmann, Jamie Isenstein, Luis Jacob and Chris Curreri, Jodie Vicenta Jacobson, Deana Lawson, Zoe Leonard, Katja Mater, Josiah McElhenny, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Claire Pentecost, Lucy Pullen, Adam Putnam, Eileen Quinlan, Justine Reyes, Mariah Robertson, Carrie Schneider, Dan Torop, Wu Ingrid Tsang, Jaimie Warren, Leilah Weinraub, Brenna Youngblood

Somewhere Along the Line

Mount St. Vincent University Art Gallery, Halifax Nova Scotia Canada, October 10 - November 22, 2009

group show curated by Ingrid Jenkner. Artists include Lucie Chan, David Dahms, Michelle Gay, Massimo Guerrera, Sophie Jodoin, Anne Macmillian, Audrey Nicoll, Ed Pien, Lucy Pullen. (catalogue)

Infinite Egress

The Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey BC Canada, September 26 - December 13, 2029

group exhibition curated by Jordan Strom. Artists include David Dyment & Roula Partheniou, Babak Golkar, Robert Kleyn, Lucy Pullen, and Robert Smithson.

Blue like an Orange

Ottawa Art Gallery, Ottawa, April 9 - May 31, 2009

group exhibition curated by Emily Falvey.. Artists include Sonny Assu, Samuel Roy-Bois, Lucy Pullen, Brendan Tang, Rhonda Weppler, and Trevor Mahovsky

How Soon Is Now: Contemporary Art from Here

Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver Canada, February 7 - May 3rd, 2009

survey curated by Kathleen Ritter. Artists include Aaron Carpenter, Erica Stocking, Abbas Akhavan, Jackson 2Bears, Holly Ward, Kathy Slade, Kristi Malakoff, Hadley+Maxwell, Paul Wong, Raymond Boisjoly, Christian Kliegel, Damian Moppett, Antonia Hirsch, Lucy Pullen, Instant Coffee, Germaine Koh, Samuel Roy-Bois, Kara Uzelman, The Music Appreciation Society, Allison Hrabluik, Marina Roy, Luanne Martineau, Brendan Lee Satish Tang, Laiwan, Mark Soo, Cedric Nathan and Jim Bomford, Dan Starling, Ken Singer, Sonny Assu, Kyla Mallett, Noah Becker, Carol Sawyer, Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky, and Kevin Shmidt (catalogue)

A Closer Look #7

Arcadia University Art Gallery, Philadelphia USA, November 13 - Decemer 31, 2008

group curated by Sheryl Conkelton. Artists include Phillip Adams, James Johnson, Kocot & Hatton, Lucy Pullen, and Linda Yun

A Spectral Glimpse

Platform, Seattle, October 2007

group show curated by Jim O’Donnel. Artists include David Dupuis, Bari Ziperstein, Adam Ekberg, Lucy Pullen, and Leyla Cárdenas. Reviewed in the Stranger (10.26. 2027)

Street Scene

Murray Guy Gallery, New York, May 24 - July 27th, 2007

group show curated by Lee Plested. Artists include Andrew Dadson, Luis Jacob, Colter Jacobsen, Gareth Moore, Lucy Pullen, Leslie Shows, and Kika Thorne.

EXPLUM Certamen Internacional Arte Actual

Explum International Current Art Contest, Town Council of Puerto Lumbreras, Murcia Spain

International exhibition curated by Chus Martinez. Artists include Covadonga Macias, David Catherall, Guillem Comas Duaso, Haegue Yang, Jeleton (Gelen Alacantara Sanchez. Jesus Arapal Moya), Juan Carlos Martinez Jimenez, Kepa Garraza Alvarez, Elizabeth Jugert, Lucy Pullen, Mauro Perez Farinas, Po Poy, Susana Mendes Costa Da Silva, Veronica Lopez Capel, Carl Palm, Hugo Miguel Canoilas Da Silva Nunes, Kristoffer Ardena, Yuki Higashino. (catalogue)

Ash Holes & Antigraphs

Art Metropole, Toronto Canada, 2006

solo exhibition

Everything Is Illuminated

State Gallery, Vancouver BC Canada, May 13 - June 12, 2004

solo exhibition

Ten by Twenty

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, October 18, 2003 - January 4, 2004

curated by Rene Pritikin and Berin Golinu. The exhibition presented artists in tandem, including Nayland Blake and Robert Crouch, Patty Chang and Francois-Xavier Courreges, Ricky Jay and Rosamund Purcell, Josh Lazcano and Barry McGee, Michael Loggins and Josh Greene, Alicia McCarthy and Ruby Rose Neri, Manuel Ocampo and Chris Oliveria, Rubn Ortiz-Torres and Jim Mendiola, Will Rogan and Lucy Pullen, Carrie Mae Weems and Pamela Vander Zwan. (catalogue)

A Thousand Miles of Dust and Ashes

Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver Canada, March 14 - April 27, 2003

curated by Reid Sheir (publication)

Wall Paper

Open Space, Victoria BC Canada, 2003-2006

site-specific installation (foyer)


Helen Pitt Gallery, Vancouver Canada, 2001

exhibition with Sandy Plotnikoff reviewed by Jenifer Papararo

Works on Paper

Arcadia University Art Gallery, Glenside PA, September 25 - October 31st, 2001

curated by Thelma Golden, Chief Curator, The Studio Museum, Harlem, New York City. Artists include Amy Adams, Randy Bolton, Charles Burwell, Yane Calovski, Tom Carey, Nick Cassaway, Stephen Cartwright, Dominic Episcopo, Joy Feasely, Carson Fox, Sara Gallo, Sherif Habashi, E. Sherman Hayman, Raquel Higgins, Mei-Ling Hom, Joseph Hu, Jeremiah Johnson, Yukie Kobayshi, Nancy Lewis, Bill Lohre, Tristin Lowe, Hau C. Ly, Danica Maier, Virgil Marti, Jennifer McDonald, Quentin Morris, Arthur Parker, Lucy Pullen, Steve Riedell, James Rosenthal, Lawrence Salzmann, Olivia Schreiner, Francie Shaw, Gordon Smith, Tony Ward, and Jeremy Wineberg.

Out of Bounds

The Luckman Gallery, UCLA Los Angeles CA, August 24 - October 13, 2001

curated by Julie Deamer. Artists include Corinne Carlson, Sonja Feldmeier, Ceal Floyer, Mark Grotjahn, Lucy Pullen, Andrei Roiter, David Shrigley, Mungo Thomson, Olav Westphalen, and Erwin Wurm.

Lucy Pullen

Penrose Gallery, Elkins Park PA, May 13 - 19, 2021

MFA thesis exhibition


Beaver College Art Gallery, Glenside PA, April 2 - 26, 2001

curated by Richard Torchia. Artists include Torbjor Fredrion, Lucy Pullen, and Erwin Wurm among others.

Fin de Siècle

Optica, un centre d’art comtemporain, Montréal Canada, October 29 - December 4th, 1999

curated by Francois Dion with Luis Jacob (and Sally McKay). Artists include Sylvain P. Cousineau, Robin Dupuis, Randall Finnerty, Pierre Fournier, Germaine Koh, Remi Lacoste, Euan Macdonald, Lucy Pullen, Carmen Ruschiensky, and Cathy Sisler. (catalogue)

Serial Killers

Platform, London England, 1999

curated by Rosemary Heather

To Be Continued

Parlor Projects, Art in General & Bellwether, NY, 1999

curated by Dean Daderko (with Becky and DW Fitzpatrick)


The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax Canada, June 17th, 2000 - January 14, 1999

site-specific installation and exhibition of wallpaper works curated by Richard Mueller. Artists include David Askevold, John Baldesarri, Katie Bush, Gerald Ferguson, John Greer, Garry Neill Kennedy, Sally McKay, Kelly Mark, Jan Peacock, Lucy Pullen, Monica Tap and Lawrence Weiner (catalogue)


Khyber Center for the Arts, Halifax Canada, 1998

exhibition with Alex Morrison

I’ve Forgotten Your Name

Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax Nova Scotia Canada, December 8 - December 12, 1998

curated by Emily Vey Duke. Artists include Kim Dawn, Stephen Ellwood, Lucy Pullen, and Steve Reinke. (poster by Cooper Battersby)

See-through Cities

Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto Canada (curated by Luis Jacob), 1997

curated by Luis Jacob. Artists include Kika Thorne, Barry Isenor, Sandy Plotnikoff, Adrian Blackwell, MP Macdonald and Lucy Pullen.

New Work

St. Mary's University Art Gallery, Halifax Canada, 1997

eponymous exhibition with Mitchell Wiebe curated by Gordon Laurin (publication)

1:1 Recent Halifax Sculpture

SL Simpson Gallery, Toronto Canada, April 4 - 30th, 1996

curated by Kenneth Hayes. Artists include Thierry Delva, Philip Grauer, and Lucy Pullen. (publication)

One of the People In This Room Will Be A Sucker

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax Canada, September 1 - 30, 1995

solo exhibition

Eat Your Words

public intervention, July 1994

permanent collection, The Halifax Municipal Police Department


Anna Leonowens Gallery II, The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax NS Canada, November 15 - 20th, 1993

BFA thesis exhibition